Boudoir is a very intimate and sometimes hush hush topic and you’re not gonna get nakie in front of just anyone! That’s why it is extremely important to do your research when trying to book someone to take your gorgeous photos. Here are some things to look for so you are completely prepared to get the most out of this amazing experience.
STYLE: Each photographer has a unique style. When searching, figure out which photos you are most drawn to. Once you find a style you like, reach out and set up a time to go over the details. Which leads us to the next tip...
CONSULTATION: This may be something easily overlooked, but it is a crucial step. If you don’t meet and talk with your photographer about their process, timeline, and how they can create an enjoyable experience for you, you could end up in a very awkward and uncomfortable situation. If you’re not a good fit for each other, it will show in your photos. This type of photography is intimate and vulnerable so your photographer should take the time to get to know you, answer your questions, and make sure you go into your session with 100% comfort.
WARDROBE ASSISTANCE: Most women are not lingerie and clothing experts and with the hundreds of choices out there, it can be confusing AF. If your photographer isn’t offering some sort of guidance, assistance or a few tips on what to wear to accentuate your body type, you could feel lost and confused! Nothing is worse than seeing your final images and realizing that your outfit wasn’t as flattering as you had hoped because you had no idea what to bring.
You may find varying price ranges and it can be a little confusing. Typically pricing will match skill and the experience provided so it all depends on what you value most. Decide if you're shopping only on price and are ok hiring a hobbyist or a high volume, fast paced studio, or if you value the experience and want to invest in a pro who commits their time to specifically specialize in Boudoir. Get the Low Down on Pricing in next week's post!
Make sure the delivery timeline matches your needs. It can take a few weeks to have your final products in hand and pros can book out months in advance. Plan ahead!
Boudoir is very powerful and can really impact your self esteem. Do your research and make sure you're comfortable with all the above factors. The way you feel going into it will definitely impact the outcome of your photos.
You shouldn’t be left in the dark about any aspect of your Boudoir Session. For so many women, this experience can be therapeutic and positively life changing. Finding the right person to take you through that journey will have a huge impact on you and your confidence for years to come.